Bitcoin Protocol Library
Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 123]
 NCryptoCrypto library
 CAddressA Bitcoin address
 CBlockA block in the block chain
 CHeaderA standard block header
 CConfigurationConfiguration settings singleton for the Equity module
 CInstructionA script instruction
 CDescriptionInformation about an opcode
 CMnemonicMnemonic Generator
 CPrivateKeyA Bitcoin private key
 CPublicKeyA Bitcoin public key
 CScriptA transaction script
 CScriptParsingErrorException thrown for a script parsing error
 CTargetRepresents a target value in both 256-bit hash form and compact form
 CTransactionA Bitcoin transaction
 CInputA transaction input
 COutputA transaction output
 CTxidA transaction ID
 CWalletA wallet holds private keys and other metadata related to those keys
 CEntryAn wallet entry containing information about a private key
 NNetworkBitcoin Network Layer
 CAddressA description of a network node
 CAddressMessageAn address message
 CAlertMessageAn alert message
 CBlockMessageA block message
 CCheckOrderMessageA check-order message
 CConfigurationConfiguration settings singleton for the Network module
 CFilterAddMessageAn add-filter message
 CFilterClearMessageA clear-filter message
 CFilterLoadMessageA load-filter message
 CGetAddrMessageA get-address message
 CGetBlocksMessageA get-blocks message
 CGetDataMessageA get-data message
 CGetHeadersMessageA get-headers message
 CHeadersMessageA headers message
 CInvalidMessageErrorThrown by a message constructor if the data in the message is invalid
 CInventoryIdRepresents an object in an inventory message
 CInventoryMessageAn inventory message
 CMerkleBlockMessageA filtered-block message
 CMessageAll network message classes are derived from this class
 CNotFoundMessageA not-found message
 CPingMessageA ping message
 CPongMessageA pong message
 CRejectMessageA reject message
 CReplyMessageA reply message
 CRequestTransactionsMessageA mempool message
 CSendHeadersMessageA send-headers message
 CSubmitOrderMessageA submit-order message
 CTransactionMessageA transaction message
 CVerackMessageVersion-acknowledge message
 CVersionMessageA version message
 CBitArrayAn array of bits
 CDeserializationErrorException thrown for a deserialization error
 CDeserializeArrayImplA helper class for deserialization of an std::array
 CDeserializeArrayImpl< std::array< uint8_t, N > >A helper class for deserialization of a std::array of uint8_t
 CInvalidMessageErrorThrown by a message constructor if the data in the message is invalid
 CMessageA P2P network message
 CHeaderA P2P network message header
 CSerializableAn abstract class that enables an object to be serialized by the serialization functions
 CSerializeArrayImplA helper class for serialization of an std::array
 CSerializeArrayImpl< uint8_t, N >A helper class for serialization of an std::array of uint8_t
 CToJsonArrayImplA helper class for converting an std::array to JSON
 CToJsonArrayImpl< uint8_t, N >A helper class for converting an std::array<uint8_t, N> to JSON
 CVarArrayAn array of objects
 CVarArray< std::array< T, N > >An array of std::array
 CVarArray< uint8_t >An array of uint8_t
 CVarStringA variable-length string
 CVASizeA compressed 64-bit value
 CMerkleTreeA Merkle Tree with some idiosyncracies specific to Bitcoin